Police & Other Investigations
Defending you if you are arrested/subject to a criminal investigation
FREE advice is available if the Police want to interview under caution, even if you have not been arrested, we may also be able to assist you free of charge if you are interviewed under caution by another agency, for example the RSPCA, Benefits Agency, Local Authority. If in doubt call GWBHarthills on 0114 290 9500, 01709 377399 OR 01302 590800 and speak to our Crime Team. If you are subject to an investigation we are happy to offer you an appointment at our offices in order to discuss that with you even if you did not have a solicitor when you were first arrested, spoken to, or you have not yet been arrested
What is our role?
GWBHarthills Solicitors have many years’ experience of defending the people of Sheffield, Rotherham and South Yorkshire. We offer independent, expert advice. Our aim is to ensure that YOU know why you have been arrested and what evidence exists. We will discuss your position with you and advise you whether it is in your best interests to answer questions or not.
We will make sure that you are in an informed position and we will advise you how best to put forward your defence and avoid pitfalls.
We will establish what the likely outcome of the investigation will be. For example:- Is there a good chance that you will be released without charge? Will you be charged, and if so with what? Is a caution or other non-Court disposal available?
How do we know you need our help?
If YOU are arrested, you will be informed of your right to free and independent legal advice by the Custody Sergeant, simply nominate GWBHarthills. The Sergeant must then notify the Defence Solicitors’ Call Centre who will promptly notify us that you need us. We will contact the Police Station in which you are held straight away.
If you have a friend or relative who has been arrested and requires our help, call us on 0114 2909500, 01709 377399 OR 01302 590800 and we will make immediate enquiries to establish whether that individual requires our assistance.
Will it take longer if I ask for a solicitor?
Whilst there are often delays for those who are in Police custody, we will not keep you waiting. Once we know that you require our help we will do all that we can to try and make sure that things move quickly. Our aim is to get you out fast, and with the best possible outcome.
Will it cost me anything?
No. We provide advice at the Police Station without any charge to you.
Voluntary attendance at the Police Station?
We provide exactly the same assistance as we would if you were arrested. It is becoming increasingly common for the Police to interview people as “volunteers.” Do not allow this to give you a false sense of security. If the Police want to interview you as a suspect there is a Police investigation, and any Police investigation may result in Criminal Proceedings (a Court Case). It is crucial that you receive proper legal advice before allowing the Police to interview you. If in doubt, call GWBHarhills on 0114 2909500, 01709 377399 OR 01302 590800.
Will it take longer if I ask for a solicitor?
Not if you notify us in advance, we will be at the Police Station (or wherever else you are to be interviewed) in good time.
If you are told without warning that the Police want to interview you as a suspect, it will take us a few moments to get to you. It is likely to be a few moments well spent. Telephone us on 0114 2909500, 01709 377399 OR 01302 590800 and we will make immediate arrangements to get to you.
Why do I need a solicitor if the RSPCA or Benefits Agency want to talk to me?
These organisations (to name but two), also investigate and prosecute criminal offences. If in doubt call GWBHarthills on 0114 2909500, 01709 377399 OR 01302 590800. We can often provide free advice and assistance (subject to status).
We understand that being arrested and interviewed for a criminal offence can be a distressing and traumatic experience, if you want to talk about it to somebody who understands the system we are here to help, a FREE appointment is usually available just call us on 0114 2909500, 01709 377399 OR 01302 590800.