Crown Court & Higher Court
Following your appearance in the Magistrates’ Court your case might be sent to the Crown Court.
What is our role in the Crown Court?
We will advise you on the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence. We will talk to you about your case, and listen to what you want to say. We will advise you on whether it is in your best interests to plead guilty or not guilty. We will tell you how long your case is likely to last and the sentence if you plead, or are found, guilty.
Our aim is to get you the best possible outcome. Call GWBHarthills on 0114 290 9500, 01709 377399, OR 01302 590800 – a free appointment will usually be available
Who will speak on my behalf in the Crown Court?
At the Crown Court you could be represented by a Barrister or Solicitor Advocate. GWBHarthills have good links with local and national Barristers and will ensure that you have a Barrister suitable for your case. GWBHarthills also have a number of Solicitor Advocates who regularly appear at Crown Court to represent clients.
What types of cases are dealt with in the Crown Court?
Some cases, such as murder, rape, robbery can only be dealt with in the Crown Court
Some cases such as theft, fraud and dangerous driving can be dealt with either in the Magistrates’ Court or the Crown Court. In those cases, the Magistrates’ may decide that your case is too serious to be dealt with in the Magistrates’ Court.
Even if the Magistrates’ decide that the case is suitable to be dealt with in the Magistrates’ Court, you can still choose to have your trial before a Judge and Jury at the Crown Court.
We will advise you about the most suitable Court to deal with your case.
What happens if I am brought before the Court in Custody?
Sometimes, the Magistrates’ Court refuses to grant bail to Defendants. In those circumstances you may wish to make an application to the Crown Court to be released on bail. We will make that application on your behalf. GWBHarthills can advise you on all aspects of bail and on all of your bail entitlements. Call us on 0114 2909500, 01709 377399 or 01302 590800.
Will I have to pay for representation in the Crown Court?
Legal Aid is often available
In all cases we will discuss with you whether you are eligible for Legal Aid. The Court considers two tests before granting Legal Aid:-
(a) The Court looks at whether it is the “interests of justice” for you to have representation.
GWBHarthills can assist you in completing and submitting your Legal Aid. Call 0114 2909500, 01709 377399 OR 01302 590800.
(b) The Court decides whether you are “financially eligible” for Legal Aid. The assessment is based upon your income.
If Legal Aid is granted, in most cases, representation is free. You will be automatically financially eligible if you receive Job Seekers Allowance, Employment Support Allowance or Guaranteed Pension Credit.
In some cases you may be ordered to make a contribution to the cost of Legal Aid, based upon your income or capital.
If you are married or live with a partner, they will also have to complete the application and their income will also be taken into account.
GWBHarthills can assist you to complete the necessary Legal Aid forms. Call GWBHarthills on 0114 2909500, 01709 377399 OR 01302 590800 for help with Legal Aid.
What happens if I am not eligible for Legal Aid?
If you do not qualify for Legal Aid, we will be happy to represent you on a privately paid basis. We will assess your case and advise you of our fees. We aim to offer a fixed fee option is most cases so you know from the outset how much your case will cost.
Call GWBHarthills 0114 2909500, 01709 377399 or 01302 590800 to discuss our Private Costs.